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Action Sprinkler | Phone: 720-851-9765 | actionsprinkler@gmail.com
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Spring Settings with System On- Ports at 90 degree vertical lines and handles flush with pipes
Setting your sprinklers for spring startup and then winter blowout can be something you become quite comfortable with yourself. If you are so inclined, here are a few "do-it-yourself" helper sheets that you may find useful. If you have a standard PVB (Pressure Vacuum Breaker) it may match these pictures.
We've also found a video that is a comprehensive walk-through of how to start up your sprinkler system step by step. Of course, every system is a little different, but many components and purposes are similar. We'll be happy to help you with either your spring startup, or repairs, and coverage troubleshooting. We stand behind our work and offer long warranties if you need valve/zone work.
Winter Settings with System Off (all ports cocked at 45 degrees) drain caps open
This video is nicely done showing the concepts of startup. Infinity Homes put this together for their homeowners.